(SK, NS and NB Only) Launching a Medication Review

You can launch a medication review in the following ways:

Patient Centre Icon

  1. From the PharmaClik Rx Workbench, select either the Prescriptions or Activities tab.
  2. Select the Patient Centre icon located at the bottom of the screen. The 'Patient Centre' window opens.
  3. Select the Launch button.

  1. Select the appropriate medication review type you wish to complete.
  2. Proceed to complete the medication review.

Patient Profile Tab

  1. Search for and select the patient you wish to conduct a medication review for.
  2. Select the Profile tab.
  3. Select Rx > Services > Med Review.
  4. Select the appropriate medication review type you wish to complete.
  5. Proceed to complete the medication review.

Rx > Services > Med Review Button

  1. From the PharmaClik Rx Workbench, select the Prescriptions tab.
  2. Select Rx > Services > Med Review.

  1. The 'Patient Centre' window opens. Select the Launch button.
  2. Select the appropriate medication review type you wish to complete.
  3. Proceed to complete the medication review.

Patient Focused Eligibility Prompt

  1. Search for and select the patient you wish to conduct a medication review for.
  2. If the patient is eligible for a medication review, a prompt will appear. Click on this prompt.

  1. The 'Medication Review' window opens. Select the Launch button.

  1. Select the appropriate medication review type you wish to complete.
  2. Proceed to complete the medication review.